RTM 225 A

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Category: RTM 1500

Spanner for headstock and tailstock moving-Chiave spostamento fantina e controtesta

Category: RTM 180 B

Driving dog-Brida diametri 20-35-60

Category: RTM 225 A

Tailstock plate-Piastra per controtesta

Category: RTM 225 A

Lever for spacer- Leva per divisore

Category: RTM 225 A

Rotating plate-Piastra rotante

Category: RTM 225 A

Taper wheel for hydraulic wheel dresser -Ruota conica per diamantatore idraulico

Category: RTM 180

Bolts - Tiranti

Category: RTM 225

1,5Kr dressing diamond- Diamante 

Category: RTM 180

Dressing diamond (KR 1,5 - 2 - 2,5) - Diamante per ravvivare mola 

Category: RTM 180

Nuts & washers for driving dogs- Dadi e rondelle per bride

Category: RTM 225

Pre-adapted bearing-Bronzine pre-adattate

Category: RTM 225 A

Steady-rest show- Pattini per lunette